The Christmas Party is really whizzing along. I’m not sure there were pigs-in-a-blanket, but as I am currently salivating at the thought of them, I hope there were.
Robbie Carosella, Andy “Rocky” Rokowski, Cindy Cavanaugh facing Vincent Karp.
Rocky was one of the satellite friends of the Bullpen… y’see, recall there was advertising representatives, Kalish, Quigley & Rosen. There worked a delivery boy whose name was George (and I only wish I could remember his last name) who would make daily runs between Marvel and K,Q&R. He was very Ukrainian, in fact in a fit of entrepreneurial wonder, he made his own T-shirts—for us (another story) and for himself and members of his Ukrainian social clubs, saying: Nuke The Ukes. I kid you not.
George’s close friend was Rocky. Who happened to be a top-notch baseball player and who had played with us (when Marvel did such things). Thus George would deliver things to Karp’s office and met with Cindy Cavanaugh, who was that advertising office’s fabulous secretary. Also thus, would Rocky visit and wangle himself a invite to the office party!
I really wish I could remember if there were pigs-in-a-blanket.
The Dream Team relaxes, Robbie Carosella, Mark Rogan, Cindy Cavenaugh, Lynne Graeme, Mike Higgins.
John Romita Jr. who still looks good in spite of the facial hair. At this point in time, John was on-staff in the Black & White Department. There he did a lot of odd work—establishing himself as a competent correction artist. That function is quite different from being a regular comic artist—which he already was. Being able to add a piece of art in a similar style to whatever is there is very demanding. Putting together entire books was merely trying. But he did it all. And, no; he no longer smokes.
I included this pic more for the fact that it includes the late Jim Novak (next to Cindy who is at image left). The hirsute individual with his back to us is Nelson Yomtov, then of marketing but then… a little too much hair all over the place. Robbie holding forth and Mark Rogan lounging on some furniture.
At upper left, mighty X-Men writer Chris Claremont. Pointing artist Alan Kupperberg in the wrong direction, is Assistant Editor Ralph Macchio.
Here’s one of those surprises one can stumble over… the photographic record shows Carl Potts at the Xmas Party. We simply didn’t know Carl back then and there he is! Jim Shooter’s Executive Secretary, Linda Grant who always wore a vest – always – and Carl who was then just a regular old artist. I think back then he was more known for his work at Continuity Studios (World-Shatterer Creator Neal Adam’s studio). Only a few years later, Marvel hired him as an Editor.
The next set of blurry photos are in color!
Editor’s Note:
This website was upgraded in September 2019. To my horror I lost about ten comments with the upgrade. I do, though, have the following screen capture. I’m sorry Carl! — Arlene Puentes