Bullpen Dog Pile With The Boltons!

John Bolton, Illustrator, Storyteller, Creator, Dinner Raconteur, all ‘round Englishman and good egg, visits Marvel Comics, USA for the first time. He is going straight to the high-dollar EPIC Magazine offices—no fool, he! He brings someone who he tells us is his wife, Lilianna. I want to believe comic artists can marry super-models… so, okay for now…

You may know John Bolton for some of the work that got him noticed in the first place: Kull The Something Or Other. Legendary Creator and William Christopher imitator, Archie Goodwin, then serving time as Editor of the EPIC Magazine line of books, coaxed him overseas to get some good expense account food. Some time later, creator, author and celebrity bon vivant, Chris Claremont – who is standing to one side in the office—eventually, also introduced him to some real “X-Money” work. For now, it’s just getting-to-know-you time!

John & Lilanna Bolton Visit EPIC
John & Lilanna Bolton Visit EPIC

I cannot recall why I was accosting John and Lilianna or Archie for that matter. Perhaps I was taking a shot to be included in Marvel Age—Marvel’s own little comic of announcements and Bullpen gossip– or something for EPIC. Can’t say. This was most likely around early 1982

But the next sequence of images is my favorite gathering of the Bullpen and some Editorial—it features the Boltons of course. Here goes:

The EPIC office settles down
The EPIC office settles down

Editorial Assistant: Laurie Sutton, Chris Claremont, Archie, Editorial Assistant: Jo Duffy (hidden behind…), Lilianna and John Bolton.

Archie says, Why not?
Archie says, Why not?

“What are you doing out there!? Get in here!” Archie said, doing his best Burt Lancaster impression (it’s really good).

More people! More!
More people! More!

At 387 Park Ave, the EPIC office was by the rear freight elevators. The lunch crowd would roar through. But I was standing where I could see everyone, stuffed from cheap food or boozed up, staggering back to work. I really must’ve been yelling at these guys—they’re all sorting themselves. Upper left of frame Staff Colorist: Paul Becton, Production Devil Dog: Joe Albelo, below Editor: Mark Gruenwald, Laurie Sutton, Chris Claremont. Editor: Annie Nocenti, Archie, back of Assistant Editor: Linda Florio’s head who is covering up Stat Camera Operator: Robbie Carosella, Lilianna who is covering Jo, below Assistant Editor: Mike Carlin, John Bolton, Production Letterer: Jack Morelli and to extreme image left: legendary inker and artist, Staff Proof-Reader: Jack Abel!

Is this a great shot or what?
Is this a great shot or what?

No one is safe. I must’ve said something like, “Watch the birdie!” Because look at these people who all look great! Upper left, Production Artist: Ken Fedunewicz, crouching over Mail Room Expediter: Reggie Cooke, upper rear Paul Becton, in front of Paul, Mail Room Faciliatator Tony Matias, directly below Freelance Production: Lisa Hachadoorian, Laurie Sutton, down by the table Art Director: Ron Fontes, Chris Claremont, Joe Albelo, in front: Mark Gruenwald, behind: Robbie Carosella, way behind: Archie’s hand signaling for air, with her elbow on Mark’s back: Annie Nocenti, Annie covering Lilianna, who in turn is completely covering Jo Duffy, in front: Linda Florio, way back: John Bolton is concerned for Archie’s safety, next to him: Mike Carlin, in front: Jack Morelli and bringing up the right side: Jack Abel!


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