One Shot: Other Nexus Of Worlds – Frankie Dawson

This may not be the best shot of Frankie, whom I called Frank. But this gives an idea of the view of this area. This area is the double desk Executive Secretary point of entry into Editor in Chief Jim Shooter’s office and, where I am leaning, the doorway to Executive Editor Tom DeFalco’s office.

In these offices, anything was possible.

Jim’s office is to my right. My office—as Marvel’s typesetter—was directly behind that young woman. Who, I do believe is the former Ms Leslie Chaykin, dropping off some work for Howie. [I could be wrong—but in this case being wrong never felt so right! –Scooby-dooby-doo Brown] The brightly-lit office that is image-left of my office belonged to Manufacturing Liaison Denise Bove, entertaining some distributor riff-raff, hoping for a lunch date! [I can just tell the type—distributors… pfah! –Brotherly Brown] My office was perilously close to this action, I had not learned to draw my not-yet-installed curtain. Thus I could be spurred into photographic action at the sight of Leslie’s model-good-looks. And of course, I was excited at seeing whatever artwork of Howard’s she brought in– I’m only human.

Of particular interest is when this photo was taken. Monday, April 26, 1982. The day all us struggling Bullpenners, glorious Leaders, exalted Executives, Mailroom laborers and hangers-on, moved from sweet, sweet Madison Ave and 57th Street, to rough-around-the-edges Park Avenue South and 28th Street. See how Frankie’s desk looks like it was levitated and flown down the 59 blocks and deposited through a big hole? That, ladies and gents, is the power of the Office Manager. Powerless was the typesetter, with all my crap still sagging against the doorway. What Jim needed done was important, after all!

That Office Managerial man was Bernie Schaktman. He had been the Office Manager of Magazine Management—who housed Marvel for years. When MM was diverted into non-existence, Bernie vanished like the genie he might have been mistaken for. Miraculously returning to existence when needed to move us and nurture us once downtown.

As for Frankie Dawson? Well, you might not recognize that name. We got to know her as Frankie Sienkievicz for quite a while. My memory is fuzzy, but not too long after this pic was taken, sadly as all such events can be, that couple divorced.

At this point in time, I got to enjoy the full radiance of Frank’s big smile whenever I could lift my head from endless typesetting.

Aside from being a cracker-jack (cracker-jane?) Executive Sec, Frank did one thing that rings down the annals of comic history. I mean CLANGS. One little act. Frank needed an assistant to her, she had a couple of “temps” for a little while. Then—I can’t be sure this was one of the temps that was hired on—but her first hire? A fresh-faced kid named Bob Harras…

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