A company called Armo-Tech came up with what they call a Hybrid vest. Comprised of good old Kevlar and a new material they call Spectre Shield, they claim that this stuff together alleviates some of the blunt trauma associated with bullet hits. After all, the force of the bullet being brought to a halt has to go somewhere … just so long as it doesn’t go into me
I figured I’d test the old against the new: Kevlar versus the Hybrid vest. I get these silk-screened shirts custom made by the gross, but it still hurts to just shoot them to pieces. On the right is my old Kevlar, which allowed six hits from a .45 to shoot right through a $400 tailors dummy, thank you. On the left, the Hybrid survived numerous hits on the same spot.”
Published by Marvel Comics in The Punisher Armory No. 1, July, 1990
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