Shooter Dances For Me

Okay, I lied, but I couldn’t resist. The title of my previous blog and rhyme of both of them dancing for me—well, they say comedy comes in three (and by “they” I mean the Comics Code of America) alas I am pretty sure I don’t have a third sequence of anyone dancing. So much for comedy.

He’s not dancing for me, he’s dancing in front of me. And, bad luck for Jim, I had my camera in hand.

The series is labeled “Jan 4, 1979” and the place is 575 Madison Ave, home of Marvel Comics and its parent company, Magazine Management. The setting of these pix is the Art Department of said parent, up on the 9th Floor. This is not the office Christmas Party or New Year’s Celebration—it is Stan Lee’s Birthday!

Stan was born on December 28, 1922—so this was for his 57th. I didn’t really get him anything. What do you get the man who has his own comic book company? Stan and I do have that irksome birth date in common—I’m a few days before Christmas and he is a few days after. So we’ve both been screwed over by Santa and actual humans too.

Stan also had moved to Los Angeles several years ago but he did maintain an East Coast office (famously on 6, next to the beating heart of the Bullpen, I think Stan would be right around the gall bladder).

Oh yes! Jim is dancing. On the off-chance that a casual reader might not know who Jim Shooter is—a quick run down: Best known as a long-term Editor In Chief of Marvel Comics, Jim started writing comic books at the tender age of 13. Happened to be for DC but I never held that against him. Jim ran the crazy comic business as a business, for good or ill. He instituted incentives, better known as royalties. He whipped us all into doing our best. Sometimes not in his estimation, but that’s the periodical comic game.

Many many things have been said about Jim over the years, during his time at Marvel and at all the other comic endeavors he piloted. But no one ever praised him as a good dancer. I’m here now, friends, to do that.

Just look at this—Tommy Tune, eat your heart out!

I caught Jim dancing with (the late) Davida Lichter-Dale—who was one of the nicest gals of the “satellite” Bullpen—also known as the Black & White Department. One of the first things you’ll notice about Jim is that he’s 6’-7” in his stockinged feet. Davida was tall too—5’-10”.

The blonde is none other than Dickie McKenzie. Dancing! In front of Jim is Sharon Ing—I believe she was an intern for us down in Editorial. Hidden behind Dickie is…

Naomi Basner, also an intern to Editorial. She has the festive spirit in the form of a giant ribbon!

Uh oh! Jim getting serious. I can tell in true Boogaloo fashion, that Dickie and Sharon are getting down. Jim is holding the ribbon and is lining up for a wicked take down!

And that is how it’s done! A fake out while the beautiful dancing girls are distracting! Jim is helpless!

What happens next I cannot reveal. But I can say that ribbon was not tied tightly enough for about 40% of all current comic pros!

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